C. Ralph and Florence Walker Memorial Scholarship

The Walker family created this fund in memory of C. Ralph and Florence to serve students majoring in Biology, Chemistry, or Physics.

The scholarship was established through memorial gifts from WCU faculty, public school teachers in Gunnison, former students of both Prof. and Mrs. Walker, family, and friends as a tribute to their longstanding, tireless work as Colorado educators. The number of those who contributed to the Scholarship Fund shows the high regard in which the Walker’sefforts were held.

Prof. Walker received his B.A. and M.A. from WCU, and he taught there for 41 years, retiring as Professor of Botany and Chairman of the Division of Natural Science and Mathematics. When he began teaching students at WCU, he and Prof. John Johnson (who started the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory) taught all of the science courses. Mrs. Walker also received her B.A. from WCU; she earned her M.A. from WCU when she was 59 years old. She returned to teaching during World War II, and was critic teacher for many elementary education majors at WCU. Prof. Walker was active in civic affairs- City Councilman, President of Rotary and Chamber of Commerce, Community Church Board member, Gunnison S & L Board, and many others. Mrs. Walker was a member and officer of many social and educational clubs, and church activities.

Both Walkers grew up in families that were poor, but never lacking in books and educational materials. They welcomed the opportunity to provide assistance to students with limited means, and this scholarship continues posthumously their desire to help needy students.

Prof. and Mrs. Walker were not only educators; they were deeply committed and involved in the life of the Gunnison community. Either of them would say to a recipient of this scholarship:

“Never stop learning. Never pass up an opportunity to be of service to the community of which you are a part.”

Full-time students who have declared a major in Biology, Chemistry, or Physics

Natural and Environmental Sciences