John & Rosalie Birkholz Scholarship

Scholarship Eligibility:
A. Preference will be given to a full-time Western student majoring in Education;
B. Must have a GPA of2.75 (recommended by the Office of Financial Aid);
C. Recipients may renew their scholarship each year unless they fail to maintain eligibility (recommended by the Office of Financial Aid).

The John and Rosalie Birkholz Scholarship has been established by Peter Birkholz to provide scholarship assistance to Western Colorado University students. This scholarship is in loving memory of Peter’sparents, John and Rosalie Birkholz. John and Rosalie both lived lives dedicated to service to others.

Peter graduated from Sam Houston State University with a BBA in 1975 and an MBA in 1976. For 25 years, Peter was a sports promoter, television announcer and television producer. After selling his sports franchise, Peter taught Marketing and Management courses for three years at the University of Houston at Clear Lake, and then taught for another 10 years at Sam Houston State University. Currently, Peter is the managing partner of the Sam Houston Group, LP, which is a real estate partnership that owns commercial property in Huntsville, Texas. Peter has a home on the Taylor River in Almont, Colorado and also resides in Huntsville. He enjoys writing and has just published his first book, When Wrestling Was Rasslin. Peter serves as a board member for the Western Foundation Board of Directors.

This scholarship is more than simply a gift to provide financial aid. It is a message of encouragement that donors believe in you, your gifts and talents and your bright future. This scholarship is an investment in you and the dividends will be all that you become. You are more than a scholarship recipient; you are part of a legacy in making the world a better place. We hope that one day you will be in a position to enjoy helping students and create your own legacy.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you willing and able to volunteer your time with the Western Foundation to help with special projects, fundraising events, etc as a learning experience upon their request?