Bus Myers Memorial Scholarship

Created by Evelyn and Cindie Myers in memory of Bus Myers, Evelyn’s husband and Cindie’s father, to assist football student-athletes.

This scholarship celebrates the memory of Lowell Herndon “Bus” Myers (40). Mrs. Myers served as librarian at WCU 1937-41 during which time she met her husband. Bus was often heard to say, “I went in the library to get a book, and I checked out a wife!”

The family of Bus Myers wanted above all to recognize the name of a man who came off a tenant farm in Western Colorado to get a better life for himself than raising potatoes for 50 cents a 100-pound bag and moving every year. It is meaningful to know that in some small measure this happened.

Bus Myers always told his family the greatest incentive, possibly, for why he wanted to get to Western was inside plumbing, electricity, and heat from other than a pot bell stove in his folks living room. So off he want with no money, only the clothes on his back and counting on his football skills to help him through college to a better life.

Quotes from Bus:

“I came out of Western with lime burns on my knees.” (from white washing the W). “Football opened many doors to me” “If I learned one thing in economics class, it was to diversify my holdings- remember that Ev.”

Western Colorado University is proud that there will always be a football player in a Mountaineer uniform in the name of Lowell “Bus” Myers.
The message of encouragement for you as a recipient is:

Trust that a college education will broaden your horizons so persist despite discouraging times you will have.

-Athletics: Active members of the WESTERN Football Team
-Year in School (after completion of current spring semester): Must be full-time student at Western
-GPA: 3.0 or higher
