Edwin Randall Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was created to honor the memory of Professor Ed “Doc” Randall, who served Western as a teacher, counselor and administrator. Dr. Randall’s son, John, states that when his father passed away in 1988, our family felt that the best way to honor his 30 years as a professor and administrator at WCU was to establish this award in his memory. The scholarship recognizes a senior-to-be for excellence in athletic performance and is intended for those student athletes who plan to become teachers. When this scholarship was proposed for the first time to Dr. Greg Waggoner, WCU Athletic Director, his remarks were: “That sounds exactly like Ed Randall, it would be perfect to recognize and remember him that way.”

Dr. Randall was an outstanding Education professor at Western Colorado University as well as Director of the Graduate Program. His students always recognized him as a teacher who taught them useful, practical techniques for use in the classroom. Additionally, Dr. Randall was a believer in the value of athletics for their use in application in every day life. He was WCU’s faculty athletic representative for more than 15 years.

This award is presented to recognize achievement and performance while a student is in college. Dr. Randall always valued the honoring of student athletes who had performed well.

Scholarship Eligibility:
A. Must be a Western senior or a student entering the Western Graduate program in Teacher Education.
B. Preference will be given to students that currently participate or have participated on a Western intercollegiate sports team.
C. Must demonstrate superior academic performance and maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0

Athletics, Education
Supplemental Questions
  1. Will you be entering the Western Graduate program in Teacher Education?
  2. Please request a letter of recommendation from your Head Coach for the Dr. Edwin H. Randall Memorial Scholarship